Here are a few easy ways to make that postcard you have in mind:
1) think about your target market
Your target market are the people you want read your postcards, this is specially important for businesses who wants to print bulk postcards because you will have a generalized design but will still cater to your target’s preference.
2) think about how many postcards are you expecting to print
With your target market in mind you can easily count roughly just how much you may need for printing. Ask your printers as well if your prints have reached the bulk amount since normally bulk prints have more discounts.
3) find a good picture
Pictures are everything for a postcard. Pick a picture that highlights or explains what you want to share. Be sure your pictures are professionally done or taken to catch more attention compared to what you have taken. Unless you are a professional photographer, ask someone else to take this picture for you. Photographers have their own expertise as well so tap the right one.
4) think a short text you could include with the picture
Do not stuff long phrases in the postcards. Postcards are meant to have very short sentences or nothing at all. Use it to explain the picture or to relay information about a service or an event and cut it to just that. Try not to use jargons unless you will be sharing it to a specific group of people, otherwise use a simple language.
5) create a good layout for your postcard
Put together your pictures and text and lay them out to fit your postcard. Remember to make it look enticing and pleasing to the eye. Colors and pictures must be chosen carefully. If you are having trouble putting them all together go ahead and request the help of a designer.